Heather Cleland

Nashville · (615) 319-0853 · heathercleland@gmail.com

I was drawn to software development because I love that through coding I can build just about anything from virtually nothing. The field is ever-changing with new things to learn and try out every day - much like my former career field of education. Learning to code has been a challenging journey but that feeling of accomplishment when my code works is the best!


Software Developer

Nashville Software School

Fully immersive six month coding bootcamp

  • Spent the first half of bootcamp on front-end development through individual exercises and group projects utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React
  • Spent second portion of bootcamp learning C#, .Net, and SQL
  • Learned and continually practiced Github workflow process and pair-programming during group projects
  • Worked with three other students to build a frontend dashboard application using using React while taking ownership of building landing page
  • Built frontend React application allowing users to search for new creations to build with Lego bricks
April 2019 - Present

Substitute Librarian

Christ Presbyterian Academy
  • Performed all daily tasks of absent library faculty in elementary, middle, and high school libraries
  • Applied appropriate teaching strategies in the library with various grade levels
  • Provided reference and research assistance to middle and high school students
October 2015 - January 2019

Substitute Teacher

Overbrook School
  • Taught students from pre-K through the 8th grade in all subject areas
  • Followed and taught lesson plans provided by permanent teacher
  • Managed a class of 15 - 25 students
August 2010 - May 2016

School Librarian

Overbrook School
  • Taught information literacy skills to grades Pre-K through 5th
  • Managed, weeded, and cultivated library collection of over 10,000 books
  • Collaborated with grade-level teachers to develop Summer Reading List
  • Lead annual Scholastic Book Fair
August 2007 - May 2010

Children's Librarian

Williamson County Public Library
  • Assisted library patrons in the children’s department
  • Provided story time and craft to toddler-aged children twice a week
  • Provided special events and summer reading programs to library patrons
  • Purchased library materials and maintained library collection in the children’s department
January 2000 - August 2005

Copy Editor

Franklin Madison (formerly Affinion Benefits Group)
  • Proofread and edited insurance marketing materials
  • Collaborated with graphic designers
  • Worked with print vendor to ensure quality control on mailings
  • Routinely performed all duties with quick turnaround
January 2000 - August 2005


Nashville Software School

Full Stack Software Developer Bootcamp
Nashville, TN

University of Tennessee

Master of Science in Information Sciences
Knoxville, TN

Berea College

Bachelor of Arts, English
Berea, KY


Programming Languages & Tools



Being a mom to two boys means we have a lot of Lego bricks at our house. Rather than buying more Lego sets that we really don't need, I wanted to build an app that would allow my boys to find new creations they can make with bricks they already have. Once I found the perfect API to use, my goal became a reality. ReBUILD was created with React and uses a JSON database. I primarily worked with Reacstrap for styling along with a touch of bootstrap and CSS.

*Back End Capstone Project Coming Soon


I love to travel and have many places on my "Want to Visit Someday" list. My free time revolves around my family. We try to find new places to visit and make fun memories. An ideal weekend includes a good movie or baseball game and a tasty pizza.

Heather Cleland book pic